Spend a weekend with Karen Jacobsen The CREATE Experience A Mastermind Retreat for Smart Women who want to create a life worth living and a business worth building New York City Area (60 minute radius, close to major airport): March 1st – 3rd, 2019 Queensland,...
Why Do We Hide? It’s been a period of growth for me, and if you are someone wanting more than you currently are experiencing in your life or business, these thoughts may provide something for you. Are we connected on LinkedIn? I look forward to receiving your...
Do you know where your closest vegan grocery store or cafe is? Vegan friendliness can be found everywhere. It was THRILLING to discover amazing vegan places in my home state of Queensland during our trip to Australia. #thegreenedge rocks with their vegan croissants...
Oh the avocado. I love it so. Hopping off a flight to Australia and arriving at SFO with a layover, I do not always feel at my best. Add some avocado and my mood improves greatly! I eat Avocado almost every day, and here is a quick, simple and delicious way to serve...