I’ve spent the past 90 days writing a book.  You read correctly.  90 days.   It is my first book and when my business coach told me in April I was going to write a book so quickly I had my reservations.  How on earth, with a 3 year old was I going to do this?

As I write, the first run of my first book is at the printers and I’m told they will ship today.  It seems like a miracle.  Having recorded and released 7 CDs on my independent record label I know how to create and follow through on a project but wasn’t a book much harder?

How do you learn how to do something new?  Ask people who’ve done it.  My friend Rachael (Bestselling Author Rachael Bermingham) whispered in my ear to get myself organized and reassured me I could do it.

My secret weapon?  Google became my right hand man.

Thankfully my desire to have something to say that just may help someone in their life became greater than my fear and my concern of ‘what people might think.’  This was the hardest part of writing a book.  Getting over myself and having the gumption to share what has worked for me in my life regardless of the “haters” out there.  Now that I think about it that was the hardest part about recording my original songs in the early days.

How did I finish the book in 90 days?  After my son went to sleep I would set myself up to write for at least half an hour a night.  Within four weeks the first draft was done.

In the end writing a book is a lot like any other ‘destination’ in life.

Put yourself in the Driver’s Seat.
Choose a destination.
Create a Road Map.
Continue in the right direction.
Recalculate when necessary.
Remember to refuel along the way.

Oh, and the most important “direction”?

Enjoy the Ride.

Karen Jacobsen’s first book “The GPS Girl’s Road Map for Your Future” will be released on 11/11/2011 through Bookbaby.